Category: Big win



Ikisx What? iPod touch Requires iOS sportpesa fixed matches Talon King Ikiss yells: Sportpesa fixed matches cut you, pretty -- ak-a-ak -- slice you, yes! View history Talk 0. Freddie Benson Jerry Trainor Edited, Jan 24th pm by Ajninmia Edited, Jan 24th pm by Ajninmia.

Ikiss -

video recordist Casting Department Leah Buono original casting Monica Kelly casting Sharon Chazin Lieblein original casting Jennifer Treadwell casting associate Costume and Wardrobe Department María Aguilar costumer Kerry Mellin costume supervisor Brigitte Pilla costumer Editorial Department Michael Ett assistant editor Pam Moreau post colorist Brian Sherwin post-production coordinator Stephen Thurston on-line editor Jeremy Weinstein assistant editor Music Department Drake Bell performer: theme song Michael Corcoran composer: theme music as Backhouse Mike Miranda Cosgrove performer: theme song Script and Continuity Department David Bizgia script coordinator Ben Huebscher script coordinator Sorel Kaire script supervisor Hugh Webber script manager Additional Crew Reina Bart craft service Barbara Biddle broadcast producer Brian Blaeser production assistant Cutty Cuthbert writers' room assistant David Falicki set medic Wayne Fielder medic Keiren Fisher vice president of production Patti Foy studio teacher Sean Gill web site coordinator Danny Gomez production coordinator Billy Hanson production assistant Ryan Miller production accountant Stephanie Mullins assistant production accountant Lane Napper dialogue coach Scott Plimpton studio teacher Jose Rivera craft service Eric K.

production assistant Wendy Herron studio teacher uncredited Thanks Lee Ann Chmielewski-Larsen special thanks as Lee Ann Larsen Marjorie Cohn special thanks Alison Dexter special thanks Keiren Fisher special thanks Paula Kaplan special thanks Lisa Lillien special thanks Cyma Zarghami special thanks.

Getting Started Contributor Zone ». Edit page. Top Gap. Then plug the USB port into the wall adapter or other power source such as a computer. When it is charging, the indicator light will flash.

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By entering this website, you certify that you are of legal age to purchase tobacco products in the state where you reside. UNDER iKiss Power Supply Diameter: 9. Comment by Mind-Numbing does NOT work. You will get an IMMUNE message if you try. Stealth runs are easy for him.

There are two parts you have to watch out for. One is a bird pat before Syth that moves fast. Distract him. The second part is a group of non-elite birds. Distract them to keep them from looking at you as you don't have much room to work with.

King Talon himself wasn't that hard. Pots and Bandages are the only consumables used. Took us runs to learn all the little tricks.

We tanked him near the north eastern pillar. Let the the druid get a mangle off, then open with Garrote. Then have the rogues SnD, and spam SS until he starts to cast poly. Target of Target helps here a lot. As soon as he starts to cast poly, the other rogue who will not be poly'd cast AR and burn.

When he blinks, throw a few SS in but don't use your eviscerate. He will go immune to all damage shortly after his blink so you want to save the CP. Run behind the pillar and wait. During this time the druid should shift out and cast a HOT on himself. After the blink, start again, but this time, the rogue that was poly'd needs to go easy DPS.

This will insure that the poly will go to the rogue who should be lower in health. If you start to see Talon is casting poly on yourself, when the other rogue needs it, vanish. Sometimes a rogue will be poly'd and then Talon will blink.

This is bad as the chance of the rogue getting behind the pillar is slim. Use CoS for this. Other then that, its mostly shifting back and forth between polymorphs and healing while he does his AOE. But when this happens, the rogue will be getting Polymorphed very often.

In this case have the rogue start DPSing and the druid healing himself. When the rogue becomes polymorphed the druid needs to take over tanking. Keep shifting back and forth and get him down as fast as you can. The little errors add up here more then ever. Comment by Please note; If your group is full of idiots who don't know when or how to get out of LOS, you will either end up 2 manning this boss, or wiping.

Take special care to only invite people who don't suck. It also helps to have an offhealer, in case too much AOE goes flying around. Failing this, get a Warlock to drop a soul thingo so that you may all get a Master Healthstone.

Helps a lot. Comment by The stairs down that can also be used to break line of sight LOS are long enough to allow him to reset. About half way down he will evade and return, so if you want to fight, be careful not to go past this point, and if you want to bail out consider using this to reset him.

Comment by Just finished stealth farming Shoulders of Assassination for me and my friend. I can confirm that this is actually doable with just 2 druids.

It took 12 runs to get the shoulders for both of us. Average reset time was min. Fastest run being slightly under 10 min. Also tried heroic, and I believe that it would still be doable with just 2 druids.

Comment by My first time in Sethekk Halls was pretty cool, but I got a couple of questions. We went around a long way, and after killing Ikiss we found out that there was a path way to the right of his room which lead to rooms we cleared earlier! So does this mean we could just go that way and get to him straight away?

For instance if I wanted to farm something. Comment by I farm this guy alot lately with my rogue friend. All you need is some brains and ok gear.

The rogue Hemo specced btw doesn't need any healing since he gets sheeped back to full health. And there ya go, nice way to make g per person in about 50 minutes if 1 of u can disenchant ; BTW if the druid is not that sure about his gear, he should bring a arcane prot.

pot, helps a bunch at start. Comment by dkane From the 2. For Ikiss himself: "Talon King Ikiss on Heroic difficulty has been significantly reworked.

He now has a point blank area of effect slow spell, increased damage on the Arcane volley , increased damage on the 'Arcane Explosion', and reduced the frequency on his 'Polymorph'.

Comment by Coocks i dont think people really care about how people solo'ed this boss with their rogues. i was rather interested about his skills on heroic mode. no one wrote about those, gonna fight him and see i guess.

zerg boss. Comment by magilync Duoed this on heroic not long ago. Feral druid and I am a moonkin druid. Basically just kept him healed, threw insect swarm on him here and here, kept all my hots on my feral buddy, and he took him down. I don't have any points into imp stealth, but I did have 3 sneaking potions, used one at very beginning with dash, and got to the 1st boss, used 2nd on the 2nd floor just before the huge pack of birds and rested in the room before ikiss, drank my 3rd and went straight to the boss.

Comment by aasartor Quoted from the 2. He now has a point blank area of effect slow spell, increased damage on the Arcane volley , increased damage on the Arcane Explosion, and reduced the frequency on his Polymorph. Arcane Explosion 1-hit killed the people that didn't run out of LoS although they were probably missing health from Arcane Volley Slow lasts for 6 seconds, but our paladin did a good job of cleansing it off of melee.

Talon King has fairly low health. He only managed to get 2 or 3 teleports off before he died, even considering our mage was dead for half the fight. Comment by Currently attempting this in 2. We have been having a lot of problems controlling this boss especially when he polymorphs our healer, it pretty much guarantees a wipe as we have no backup dispel.

He can take the clothies out in one hit and if he isn't picked up after an aoe aggro reset he will usually kill someone off. The point blank slow will make it hard if you aren't near a pillar to survive too because you are sure to be hit by the aoe after he blinks.

The aoe nova can be survived if you are on max hp over 6k. Even though he has low health, it seems without the proper class balance it will be a very difficult fight.

Comment by As of patch 2. Was alot harder than pre-patch, and we also had to deal with the stealth detection on Syth but we still one shotted it. Comment by Yeoman At Heroic using Arcane resistance helps a lot. With AR my combat log is full with arcane damage recived , resisted , or sometimes even arcane dmg recived , resisted every hit in total is around arcane damage.

I think all, except tank can use Arcane Resist gear, if you have good one blue or purple. Comment by Easiest way to do it is tank him near the doorway to the room before the boss's room.

Run out of LOS after he blinks smooth sailing no Arcane Resist gear necessary. Comment by absorb HEROIC: 2. Your group will then hide around that pillar and only around that pillar when Arcane Explosion occurs, includes the tank. This strategy helps ease the fight by a lot because: a The tank can taunt off anyone immediately since every member is in that area b Heals in range c Polymorph will not happen on the tank because by the time Talon King gets in LOS, tank would have taunted him by then Warrior should always have Spell reflection up, it reflects arcane volley, polymorph and even his blink before the arcane explosion.

When this happens talon king will just begin to cast explosion at where he is. Whether or not this is helpful it doesn matter, spell reflection is to reduce damage taken.

Grounding totems may help unconfirmed Equip insignias that dispel polymorph. If by chance tank or healer gets poly, this nifty trinket will get you out of trouble quickly. It will also save your life if you happened to be poly while arcane explosion is being casted.

Damage on Arcane explosion is roughly 6. Comment by Anyone know anyway to prevent the dps from dying due to the arcane volleys?

It wasn't a good group that I had for the heroic sethek rogue had little over 6k health I think, 7k or so in PVP gear After wiping 3 times with 2 mages, paladin tank , druid healer , and a hunter one of mages stole his bubble and we killed him bery fast. Comment by Killed him with spriest me ,hunter,rogue,warrior,holy pally Dpsing wasn't working out so great so I switched to heal mode as we were just sustaining too much dmg for a single healer to handle.

Being secondary healer helped as he outputs massive AE dmg every ~10 sec in the form of non-line of sightable arcane volleys that hit for ~3k dmg on everyone.

Spamming PWS whenever it was up, dispelling AE Slow and healing as long as I could til I ran out of mana and died seemed to have done the trick.

I did see the pally bubble himself at one point which really helped him survive. Tough fight but a little arcane resist would've come in handy. Comment by Zaina To make it alot easier, hide behind the pillars just before he casts the Arcane explosion.

Comment by Kathucka This guy is an absolute nightmare on heroic difficulty. Heavy damage from his arcane volley can't be avoided, and his aggro is very touchy after an arcane explosion.

It appears to be a threat wipe and he often jumps on the healer. It's just too much for the healer to deal with. A polymorph at the wrong time or place is a guaranteed wipe. Mass slow can make it impossible to get away from the explosion. Overgeared groups can sail through the rest of the instance, slam into this brick wall, and wipe 10 times.

Still, you have to fight him. His trinkets are just so damn good. You can't stay away from them. Everyone stick close to the tank so he can pick up aggro after an explosion. Put raid markers on the tank and the boss to make this easier.

Pick a single pillar and run around it for the whole fight. It makes things much easier to control. Yes, arcane resistance actually does help. Group heals Chain Heal, Prayer of Healing and heal-over-time spells Renew, Lifebloom work well here.

Even Lightwell is nice, if timed properly. Paladins have a really tough time healing for this fight. He appears to polymorph the closest enemy that isn't the tank. This can be a snake from a trap or a pet, which makes things easier. Stay close to that pillar at all times!

Use self-heals healthstones, potions liberally. He's immune to everything while he channels his explosion. Don't stay to fight. Just run away. He appears to be resistant to taunts. After each explosion, make sure the tank has a firm grip before doing anything, even healing.

Wiping when he's that low on health because you can't burn through his mana shield It's also much harder for your tank to maintain threat when that thing is up. Casters, wear stamina instead of mana gear. It's not a long fight.

If all else fails, a Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection really helps, by absorbing a few of the arcane bolt volleys. One minute before pulling, drop the cauldron, pop one potion, and pick up another. Use that one one minute into the fight and pick up another.

It's unlikely that the fight will last that long, but at least you'll have it for later. Finally, whatever you do, make sure that you want one of his really nice drops. Don't fight him for the Badge of Justice.

The massive headache is just not worth a single Badge. Go to Mechanar or something instead. Comment by Ismat Fighting him on heroic mode, I noted that his arcane volley hits everyone for about and his explosion does damage. His slow can make it extremely dicey to get to the other side of a pillar in time if he teleports right on top of you, but it's still possible if you are standing close to a pillar and start running instantly.

I can verify that grounding totem absorbs his polymorph spell, both on normal and heroic. This helps a lot if you only have one healer. He doesn't have much health, so if you can keep everyone alive the fight will be over quickly with reasonable dps.

Probably a healer-heavy group should have an easy time on him. Comment by Heroic: If you can handle the AOE, you should be fine. He AOE'd twice, but we managed to clear LOS. It took a while, but the healer and I downed him the rest of the way.

The healer even spent most of the time poly'd. If you think it's a wipe, it might not be. I do suggest not tanking in the center of the room. Tank near one of the pillars on the inside, so you can quickly get LOS. Comment by This boss seems like a reference to one of the Skeksis from the movie, The Dark Crystal.

Whenever he kills someone he goes "Hmmmm! Comment by Jessia The absolute easiest way to kill him is to tank him at the doorway leading to his room. Just keep him about 10 yards on his side and everyone gets to unload.

When Sportpesa fixed matches overhears Freddie admit he has never been predictz today football prediction, she decides it kkiss be fun ikiss expose this confession on Carly's sportpesa fixed matches show, ikiss the sportpesa fixed matches humiliation sportpesa fixed matches receives at school make Iiiss all When Ikisa overhears Freddie admit he has never been kissed, ikisa decides it would be fun to expose this confession on Carly's web show, until the rampant humiliation he receives at school makes her regret her decision. When Sam overhears Freddie admit he has never been kissed, she decides it would be fun to expose this confession on Carly's web show, until the rampant humiliation he receives at school makes her regret her decision. Freddie Benson : You put a dead fish in my locker, I handcuffed you to Gibby. Now we're even. Carly Shay : Yay. Who wants lemonade? ikiss

Author: Gara

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