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There has been a massive surge in the number of betting sites in Ethiopia. So far it looks like 18 sites are licensed to take bets in Ethiopia. The most popular betting sites at the moment in Ethiopia include Best Bet , Habesha Bet , Betika , Vamos , Hulu Sports , Qwickbet , Harifsport , and Qwickbirr.

with the market leaders being Habesha and Vamos. As is common in the betting industry, betting sites offer bonuses to entice customers to register as well as to entice them to deposit and play more. Ethiopia is no different and the betting sites are slowly starting to offer the same.

The most common betting bonuses include first deposit or welcome bonuses, loyalty bonuses, multibet bonuses, as well as weekly promotions. Using our predictionEngine, we provide free betting tips on all major soccer leagues and matches.

Sports betting is a recent phenomenon in Ethiopia and while legal since the industry is still fledgling and there is a massive gap in the market. There has been an assortment of sportsbook operators have tried to establish a market share but most have failed to deliver.

When compared to other African countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Mozambique etc, the online sports betting market is still low. However, over time Ethiopia has the potential to challenge these as one of the top 3 betting markets in Africa.

The older Ethiopia betting sites like Abyssinia Bet, Anbessa Bet and GLX win, are making way for the new sites, such as Hulu, Vamos, Habesha, Betika etc. These new betting sites use the latest technology, offer more betting products and bring a modern look to the sector.

Retail still remains the main driver of bets in Ethiopia, but online is growing consistently. All forms of sports betting in Ethiopia is legal and under the regulation of the National Lottery Administration. The first sports betting site ever in the country was founded in , but Dagoo Sports shut their doors shortly thereafter.

Ethiopia can be a difficult market to operate in, as taxes are very high and complex, payments can be a challenge and government intervention often creates confusion. Betting on soccer has always been and will continue to be the most popular sport to bet on. The main leagues are favoured EPL, Bundesliga , but the local league Ethiopia Premier League is also extremely popular.

After soccer, players also like to bet on basketball. The main way of depositing into online betting sites used to be via bank deposits. However, the government has made that impossible.

Mobile money is taking off and so most players are now depositing using Telebirr , or using a payment aggregator like Chapa or Satimpay. Online Betting Ethiopia. Best Ethiopia Betting Promotions.

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Author: Voodooll

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